I don’t know why I don’t like history that much which I should. Actually I have to know about history and stuff because people from alla the world, tourist, scientiest come to our place and believe me it is not only a few but a bunch just to dig the history from Indonesia land or artifact or something like that.
In one of our land-Yogyakarta you even can see the temple from thousands year. They built that temple not with cement but with white yolk, etc. I hate for myself of ignore all that treasures in my country. I just follow the history when I was at School just for the score. I think Christina knows much better than me, she was an editor so she supposed to know everything, is that correct?
The problem of not so much into history will never ever show up if (I said if) I am not married with the man named Scott E. Downs of Winton!
He is really into history. He joined the reenactment thing from 1994, my frog! Uppps..I mean my gosh! It has been 10 years nope, now its March 2008 … my goodness 14 years! If I said my frog, don’t you ever think that I love frog, nup…I don’t like them at all. Misspelled into frog because my husband and I are making a joke about frog a lot ….ha ha haha…
Oh yes, before I come to USA and he told me about reenactment…I just said: uh ugh or yeah or I understand or I see or really (without knowing the meaning what he was talking about...sorry Honey!) Hey..something like that is really new for me and for the person who doesn't like anything from old time...what do you expect?
I don’t like history and I really don’t like outdoor activity as well. The activity that I love the best in my life is turning the music on, lying down and reading the book I like at the same time ( most of them self-improvement) then I will enjoy that all day long without stopping unless if I felt hungry or going to the restroom(oh..yeah..of course). Ooohh… I missed that moment already (Okay now…keep on going with the story Evi, you are too much dwell-on or dream-on, whatever).
Alright, long story become short, I joined with the reenactment thing (finally) with all the ladies there. I never expected it will be fun, even though I have to sleep in the tend-in the ground (with mattress of course, but Mr. froggy man took care of me and I never felt cold at all especially in winter time), but it is really fun. I learn how to knit…(yippy dippy deee….I feel like woman now), sewing (hey did I tell you that Scott is really good in hand-sewing beside working with wood) Talking about wood, we would like to sell some of Scott’s wood hand made, if I have some time to finish the website I will link it to this blog…so please keep following this blog who knows you will interest in our stuff believe me good stuff with a good price, you will not regret. Beside, in Bible said, “to help other people and also helping each other, right?” ( hi … hi…hi…)
Okay boss, I am focusing now, with the ladies in the reenactment I know how to make butter and bake a cake without an oven also. It’s really back to basic. Every thing are from the scratch. That’s what I like…and the best part is I can wear outfit like Laura Inggals in Little House in the prairie. Henny and I loved that programmes and we some time put the lunch in the lunch box like Laura and Marry Inggals… ha… ha...ha…Kiddo! But I am still learning about everything in this club and also learning about the outfit which is layer and layers and I can't believe that like hoop also. I haven’t tried yet maybe one day if I am really being a “woman” because that hoop make the person who wear that look so graceful and sit sweetly not like me still running here and there like a tennis ball. One day if I can sew (I hate needles, when I was in Junior and High School I got sewing subject in the class, I will tell you later probably about sewing because I was really silly, I hope I am not forgetting about that subject), I will make my own dress, like most of my friends there make this make that and I am, Evi downs just do knitting that never finish!! It has been 2 years! Ohhh meee…!
I think I will tell about reenactment in the separate topic also, too much exciting there to tell. Okay I am tired typing now…I wish I am a Jeanny (in the bottle) or Harry Potter just say Abracadabra or Writimus in Paperus…all of the idea is already written….heeeghhhhh?!!
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