Are you lonesome tonight

Dont be so cruel, love me tender and let me be your Teddy Bear!
I knew about Elvis actually from my mom's collection. When I was kid I used to listen to my mom's cassette collection and one of them was Elvis Presley. In that time I just enjoyed the music without knowing his face at all.I didn't know anything about him until I was teenager that he was handsome and religious too. It makes me admire him more. And also in our TV station they played Elvis'movies every week. That's why my craziness about him growing?!!
Christina sent me Elvis Candy in a can and Key Chain when I was still in Indonesia (oohh I missed my mom and Indonesia very much....hey this expression is not related at all with what you write, Evi! and stop whinning...).
Okay, I think I am going to proclaimed my self as one of Elvis's fans...since then.
When I got married with Scott, I could not believe it that he likes Elvis, his mom likes Elvis...(also Cat, Scott loves cat, his daddy loved cat, his mom loves cat..oh cmon...focus with what you write, Evi!) lucky I am!
Okay talking about Elvis, Mam Joan gave us the ticket to see the Elvis tribute with Sterling Riggs in Outer Banks Music Showcase, April 12, 2008-Saturday-7.30PM. I pretended that was my birthday gift from her (remember my birthdate? Is March 4th ring the bell for you?)ha ha ha...
We got J-6 and J-7 I think that was the right seat that we got. For short people like me it helped me to see and take pictures. I took some pictures of him and some video. But you know what? When Mr. Riggs came down to the aisle and he was in front of us, my digicam stopped working! I guess my digicam didn't like him or what, God knows! After all these time I took the pictures and record some without trouble at all. But when he was very close to us...the cam gave up. The funny thing was, after he went back to the stage and I tried my cam to take a picture...woallaa..its working very good!!!

Since one of the picture get blur, I thought he look like Rhoma Irama. haha... Just kidding!
Don't worry, I'll be lonesome the next 4 months after my hubby continue his study and leaving me for a year. hik, hik... then I'll play your song later. least you've got company when you read this blog...;)
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