Dam diram diram diram diraram (dam diraram)
Dam diram diram diram diraram (dam diraram)
Indah-indahnya negriku
Lautnya luas membiru
Gunungnya menjulang tinggi
Nusantara indah ini…
This is one of a children's song from my country by Chicha Koeswoyo(one of kid's singer in my country). I always remember this song…even with this kind of “age” (OOO..). Globally, the meaning of this song is How beautiful my country is, Blue ocean, high mountain, etc...
I didn’t pay that much attention about my country until
I got here (Winton-NC, USA). I have hard time find the vegetables and fruits and fishes, that I like the best in here. Well, I don’t blame this country for not having that even though this country is a super power country. It’s just we have different weather and condition. In Indonesia we have 2 seasons: raining and hot weather. We are in tropical atmosphere so...
we can get any kind of fruits, vegetables any time without considering the weather.
When I told everybody here that we have 5 different kind of mangoes, 7 different kinds of bananas, hundreds different kind of fishes…they just said: ”really?” Yep! I am not kidding. And also in the time that I spoke in front of GA’s, when they asked about Shopping Mall, I told them, if you like shopping you can come to Jakarta-my home town and you will find 6 different buildings (maybe more now-last time I had been there on 2004)which has 5 or 8 floor (stories) just for shopping! I am not kidding as well!
It is really sad for me that my country is not as popular as India, Japan, China, or Philippines, probably we don’t have many promotion.
If you are into history, my country is the part of historic …you can find temples which has more than 500 years old and still there. Ohhh..wish I could tell you everything about that.
Wait a minute...some of my friends that I meet them recently from Multiply.com probably can help me to show about small part of that beauty. Because they love photography. Probably they don’t mind if I took some of their picture to show you. Let me ask them first and I let you know.
I attached the example of the hundreds years old of the temple and one of our beach view!
Oh yes... some ever asked me this:"If your country has everything and beautiful also, why you are here in US? And I answered:"That might be my destiny, nobody can deny their path of life from God. I am not regret or upset about my decision coming and staying here. Actually, no matter where God "place" me I will say thankful for that! That is the important thing, I guess...

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