Thursday, June 12, 2008

3rd anniversary

Today, 3 years ago, June 12, 2005 at 4 PM in Winton Baptist Church auditorium, we got married-the pastor was Pastor Heins Adams.

Everybody said that it is hard to get united between 2 individual into 1, especially me and Scott from East and West.

My opinion is not trying to think what we should be or gonna be but what are we going to do now. Just let God works on your life and trust HIM without wondering. I think everything will be all right. That's why in this moment...
I am going to thankful what God has been giving us present. That is to be together all these times in any circumstances, Praise the Lord.

Here is our thankful:

Thank you Lord

Today 3 years ago we were standing before you to say I do
From two united into one
From East and West united into one

Thank you Lord for blessing us
And because of you, we are united as a couple
Because of your love we can share each other love

Thank you Lord for always be with us
In the hardship or flowery some
You never got your hands off us

Thank you Lord for giving us so much love
We can survive in the big wave of life
We can give our love to the loves one also

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to keep on going
So you add one more year to live in the marriage-ship
And teach us to count the blessings

In the name of Jesus, we pray, amen

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