
I don't know anything about North Carolina until I got the opportunity to go to USA to attend the book exhibition in Orlando, Florida. In the same time The Uppr Room Devotional Magazine invited me to come to Nashville for Walk to Emaus event. And that event was in North Carolina. Then I realized that Scott is living in North Carolina also. On that time Scott and I just correspondend and I am not sure yet about our relationship, that was July 2003. I have known Scott for a few months...
At Lake Junaluska, the place that where Walk to Emaus was, I have been hosting by Ms. Jean Poenitske and Ms. Edna Vaughn...I will tell later about this. But I remember one of my friend here said, " You will be back or probably you will stay here." In that time, I said,"No way...who can afford to buy a ticket or living here." It's impossible and only in my dream.
Nope! It is not impossible and not a dream either. I am here married with NORTH CAROLINA man, name Scott E. Downs. He is very quite and little bit introvert, that makes many people are misunderstanding about him. Anyway, I love him and I hope he loves me..ha ha we spend the live together since 2005. Oh yes, i got to USA for facing my future on December 18, 2004 but I stayed with Christina until February 12, 2005. I am glad that Christina's husband accept me as Christina's little sister. His name is Christian Reidel. He is really a nice man. I think it is easy for me to call them C&C'couple on this article.
Scott picked me up February 11, 2005 and stayed one night in C&C's. We ate dinner in Ruby's tuesday. From that time I just know that he is a burger man, coz for dinner he ordered burger only no tomatoes. In the morning Christina gave me one package of peanut butter sandwich (PB)for me and the other package of peanut butter (PJ)and jelly for Scott-she assumed that all American like peanut butter and jelly. On the way to his house I gave him the P&J sandwich, and believe me or not he doesn't like that I have to scrub the jelly so I could eat them, cos Scott already ate the PB things!
After we got home, he gave me the Pink Teddy Bear-it was sunday (February 13, 2005) and the Valentine's day on Monday. So I have got earlier my valentine's gift. It was short time until we got married on June 12, 2005. Hmmmhh what a life!
Scott is really good with wood, he always gives me something with his hand made. The biggest handmade that he made....ennghh...he built the little cabin in the yard, that made me, his mom, his late dad, and his brother, are proud of him. You can check this picture of our little house in the yard...

Btw, if you want to shop of Scott's hand made please feel free, to click:
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