Friday, March 21, 2008


Let's talk about HENNY first.

My next door neighbour has a daughter named Henny Augustien she is a year older than me (in fact 6 months older than me). I think since we were in kindergarden, we were always together. So wherever we go people will say," are they twins?" In that time I just don't understand what they were asking because Henny and me are totally different in everything, even our shape. I was chubby and Henny was slim, I had got banks on my forehead and Henny didn't. Oooh... probably because we have the same thick and black hair that made us look alike. Most of the time we put on the same color/type of wonder ;)

We grew up together. I always go to the same school as Henny until high school(and everybody will look at me as her younger sister, included the teachers). In high school we separated, she went to SMA14-Biology, and I went to SMA 39 - guess what is my major? BIOLOGY! (of course)

Since then we have our own life. She took architect major in ITB (Technology University in Bandung-we live in Jakarta). The distance from Jakarta-Bandung is about four hours driving. And I went to Computer University-Gunadarma University, my major is informatics of management (deal with all the computer programs). I should be a programmer but probably now I couldn't do it anymore I am too much left behind comparing with my friends. But I love what I am doing now.

Anyway, I fond of her, she is always genius to me. Everything she made always success. She is an architect and her husband is an eye doctor-they've got three smart kids. She doesn't work as an architect anymore since she got children but she has built kindergarden which is so much fun to see (take a look in her blog on my link-she has many tips about kids that you might be interesting to know). She learned English since she was in Elementary which is unusual at the time. And she has never been stingy to share that knowledge (in fact all of the knowledge) to me. That's why I am into English, eventhough until now I always feel like I can't speak and write English properly (mean: fluently) :(
But I have got a native speaker of Winton, NC-USA as a husband, Scott Downs so whether I like it or not I have to speak that language every single time. Oh yes, in Indonesia, we speak Indonesian so we don't get any English if don't go any School.

From time to time, our friendship become stronger and deeper. She is like sister to me and I believe she felt the same way as I do.

Then let's continue to Christina P. Reidel

Second sister of mine is Christina.
We met in a place that I worked at that was BPK Gunung Mulia-Christian Publisher. She was an editor and I was an International Copyright Officer. She dealt with all the writing stuff and I dealt with International contract and relationships stuff. Her English is always the best to me. She is smart woman, she went to Gadjah Mada University, her major was Social, oh... no... her major is mass communication (she protested that I wrote the wrong major of her before ....ha ha ha ha, okay Ms. Reidel, I change it...sorry about that). We have the same interest ( I guess almost everything) even though we have different personality. She is an outgoing person, outdoor person, and me....:P contrary to her. And I am telling you...Christina and me winded up living in USA and married with USA man. She is in New Jersey which need 9 hours to get there from my place. 'Til now she is always as a big sister to me.

Hey ... I have got sisters in my life, Henny filled my childhood life and Christina filled my adulthood life. I still keep in touch with them and love them as a my real sisters. I am so lucky to have them in my life.

One day if my English good enough to write, I ensure you I will be a writer and my life story will be the first issues because I am sure everybody is gonna like it. Uh hu!

The point of this writing is what do we need in life, real sister or sister that we met by the time?

I guess no matter what the situation is, sister or brother not dealing with real or not real but how they feel about you and how you fell about them as well. I am so glad that my life is full of love. Eventhough one song said: Too much love will kill you, but if we put that love in the right way-the result must be wonderful.

So guys do not waste your time with being jelaous or inconvinient with your siblings , hug them with love. Take all the anger or selfishness from your mind and heart and tell them that you love them so much (probably it will difficult in the beginning to show your expression, but God give wonderful siblings to you so why you desperately stay away from them). Accept them for whatever they are. are so preachy!



Blogger henny said...

ow're so sweet..
Thank u. We always be sisters forever.

March 26, 2008 at 2:22 PM  
Blogger Xtina said...

Yessss... we are sista foreva!

April 16, 2008 at 8:41 PM  

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