Thursday, February 7, 2008

Answered Prayer

Many people has a good reputation of making a very beautiful prayer. I admired their word and so real. Is it the guarantee that God will answer their prayer?

I had a very severe doubt of praying. I thought that God never answered my prayer. I read any kind of book that told me how to get the answered of my praying. But none of them solve the problem and I didn't get any answer of my request from God. Then I just feel like probably my sins are too big so it couldn't be forgiven at all. So I stop requesting God!

Do you know what happened? God gave me my request one by one. In that time I talked to my self...hmmmhh... I don't need to pray then, because God give me what I requested way back that I thought He never listened and when I didn't ask at all He gave me. So I stop praying!

First, I stop requesting then second, I stop praying!

What happened next? God gave me more tests on my life!

I am very exhausted. One night I couldn't sleep and started talked inwardly and asking God what does he want from me. Later on, I got it. I don't know that God's word or not but that night, I got an idea how to make my prayer answered.

I combined all the theory from the book and my experiences and I made conclusion how the prayer will be answered that worked for me.

When I ask something from God, keep asking constantly but...but... don't push Him to fulfill it. Asking constantly and let it go, let God decided the right time for him to answer. That's what I did.

I told Scott, I made a long list what I need. I prayed that list constantly and then I don't want to remember all the list, so I don't feel burderned if God not give me the answer. And praise the Lord, He answered some of the prayer without I am knowing. Even though take time but I know that God give me in the best time for me to get. Because God knows the best for us.

So guys, what is your mind...give me a comment!


Blogger Evi (read: e-phi) said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

February 7, 2008 at 7:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

God is good and he does answer our prayers, sometime it is in his time not ours. We have to learn to wait.

February 7, 2008 at 10:51 AM  
Blogger Evi (read: e-phi) said...

After that night, I understand about God's time and I completely agree with Sett. Thank you Sett.

February 7, 2008 at 11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My experience was somewhat like yours, Evi and eventually I reached the same conclusion. It had never occurred to me that others felt the same way. Thanks for sharing.

February 7, 2008 at 12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're welcome lovessnow...BTW I like snow also but just don't like the it obvious that I am so complicated?


February 7, 2008 at 1:01 PM  

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