Friday, March 21, 2008


Hi... it's me again.

I have been here in North Carolina since February 2005, and then married with Scott Downs on June 12th, 2005 four days after Scott's birthday (June 8th the same as wiki's). He has one brother named Fred Allen Downs and his wife, Barbara Downs. They are a wonderful couple, I admired them. What a pity we don't have much time to know about each other because they are living in Pensacola, Florida.

When I came to Scott's mom house for the first time, his dad was going to the hospital because of breathing problem I believe it was February 19, 2005...and...that was my first and last time to see him alive because on that day he died ( I forgot the time probably around 10 pm). I knew he was a faboulus man (that what I heard about him in funeral and until now, its always a good thing of him). Hey ... wait a minute, I remember now that he was a toughtful person also, when I was there I shook his hand and tell him my name and where I come from not long because he really needed to go the hospital so bad. Soon after he got ready to leave he told me to wash my hand to clean from the germ from him. And when he was ready to get in the car he said see ya Evi, and I told him get well soon sir, get well soon. That was my last conversation with him because he was get well completely but in God's house after suffering in a long time. It seemed that he was waiting for my coming before he came to God's house and probably he wanted to see his youngest son's future woman, only God's knows.But I have always thank you to God for this brief opportunity to meet Mr. Fred Allen Downs in person.

My mother in law is Joan Johns Downs (JJD-I always remember this standfor because in Javisburg there is a company name JJD, cool huh?). Lord blessed my life! I have got miracle by having mother in law like her....ugh uh....don't be jealous at me. She is always be there for every body including me and I learned a lot about relationship from her too (she loves communicating -hey... in a good way of course-not gossips). But she does that because she is a caring person. She is willing to listen somebody's sharing. I believe that everybody needs someone like her. If we want to be honest, not many caring people arround anymore. I adored her like I adored my mom. Her patience is way... way... way...beyond me. I wish I could get that as much as her.
She is also a very energetic person and it made me ashamed sometimes because I am easily to weak. Probably I am still adjust with the atmosphere or wheather ( no ... excuse for that Evi, you just weak, why don't you admit that!). If I dont have a mother in law like her, I am not sure I can survive living in this country. She never felt ashamed to introduce and take me to her community even though I am ASIAN. Thank you mam! Actually we have not much in common, she likes blue I like purple, she likes feminine things I like masculine, She ate slow I ate very fast, She likes communicating I like dreaming...but we can get along so far...I love you mam Joan.

Hey Scott and Allen, you must be proud to have mom like her. I do! Eventhough only law's.

Oh yes, She is trying to teach me to be girly which is very hard to me to do. She never get bored to remind me every single time to make me look better ha haha haha because sometimes I look so clumsy. Thank you for that mam, I never stop saying thank you to you for this.

With this writing I am going to thank God what He has done to my life and always protect me and guard me in my hardships.

Once again guys, just say thank you to God for whatever you have got even though sometimes not like what you want or look so difficult to carry, but if you call God's name in your heart and mind every single time and let Him come to your life...He will help to lift your burden from your me. It really works in my real life!

Eviiii.... would you stop preachinggggg....!!!



Blogger Meagan said...

Haha, Evi I don't mind your preaching! And I think you type pretty good English. I'm impressed. I like reading your blog. :) Do you get a chance to ever read mine?

March 21, 2008 at 8:40 PM  
Blogger henny said...

Yes, I'm agree Meagan. Her English is getting better and better.
You've got a great new family there, Nur (this is her nick name in our neighborhood when we're kid). I always happy for you.
By the way, what is your blog Meg, may I read it?

March 26, 2008 at 3:24 PM  

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